Wednesday, September 22, 2010

11 weeks old baby

My baby now is 11 weeks old...
and has now graduated to a FETUS....
(Alhamdulillah...tahniah2...tepok tangan..tepok tangan...)

These are my summary after my reading from the internet.. Happy to share this wif all of u..

During this age, my baby now ::

a) about 4cm long and weighs almost 7g (^^,)

b) has transparent skin where we could see right through the skin.. hikhikhik... but soon will lose the transparency and develop a multi-layered membrane.

c) the fingers and toes now separated like normal human, instead of webbed. For sure the fingers are soooo tiny and damn cute (remember from House's series, when a baby holding House's finger right from mother's placenta during the operation..sooo dramatic especially for sumone heartless like Dr House)
-- this is important especially when the baby starts opening and closing the fists as well as kicking and stretching (terer silat and kungfu anak aku nnti..)

d) some of the bones in the fetus are beginning to harden and the tooth buds are still forming under the gums

e) the eyelids are still fused shut in order to help those beautiful irises develop underneath... (sabar ye sayang..dah x sabar nak tengok ummi and walid yg cute ni yer..)

Those are the changes that might be happened to the baby, while for the mother ::

a) may start to show a bit but still may not look pregnant for onlookers. However, i already felt a bit 'boooncet' now, and fortunately fully covered with my baju kurung and big shirt..hehehe

b) the 'booncet' is just big enough for the fetus to fill in the uterus, and for the uterus to fill the pelvis. this probably poking up above the middle of the pubic bone. (oohh...dats y lah.... ohhh....)

c) the best part i read was --> if u have been suffering from terrible morning sickness, knowing that just another week or two, should start to feel remarkably better. (really...?? Hope so.. insyaAllah..)

Suffering 3 months sickness (could be more) already makes me realize why our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) saying:

"Syurga terletak di bawah tapak kaki ibu" about another 6 months...??
...Ya Allah....

0 oranges :):